They had entered the Canton Valais, and found themselves on the ridge of
the hills which can be seen from Grindelwald; but he was still far from his
new home. They pointed out to him other clefts, other meadows, other
woods and rocky paths, and other houses. Strange men made their
appearance before him, and what men! They were misshapen, wretched-
looking creatures, with yellow complexions; and on their necks were dark,
ugly lumps of flesh, hanging down like bags. They were called cretins.
They dragged themselves along painfully, and stared at the strangers with
vacant eyes. The women looked more dreadful than the men. Poor Rudy!
were these the sort of people he should see at his new home?

III. The Uncle

Rudy arrived at last at his uncle’s house, and was thankful to find the

people like those he had been accustomed to see. There was only one cretin
amongst them, a poor idiot boy, one of those unfortunate beings who, in
their neglected conditions, go from house to house, and are received and
taken care of in different families, for a month or two at a time.

Poor Saperli had just arrived at his uncle’s house when Rudy came. The

uncle was an experienced hunter; he also followed the trade of a cooper; his
wife was a lively little person, with a face like a bird, eyes like those of an
eagle, and a long, hairy throat. Everything was new to Rudy-the fashion of
the dress, the manners, the employments, and even the language; but the
latter his childish ear would soon learn. He saw also that there was more
wealth here, when compared with his former home at his grandfather’s. The
rooms were larger, the walls were adorned with the horns of the chamois,
and brightly polished guns. Over the door hung a painting of the Virgin
Mary, fresh alpine roses and a burning lamp stood near it. Rudy’s uncle
was, as we have said, one of the most noted chamois hunters in the whole
district, and also one of the best guides. Rudy soon became the pet of the
house; but there was another pet, an old hound, blind and lazy, who would
never more follow the hunt, well as he had once done so. But his former
good qualities were not forgotten, and therefore the animal was kept in the
family and treated with every indulgence. Rudy stroked the old hound, but

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