4. Taishang appeared magically to Donghua, and the Way was handed on
through a succession to Yan, then to the southern and northern schools of
Complete Reality, which can be considered its full flourishing.
5. That movement flourished in the sense that there were a great many, who
followed it, yet it declined in the sense that its mental communication
deteriorated. This has continued up to the present day, when it is extremely
confused and extremely degenerate.
6. When an extreme is reached, there is a reversion. Therefore there was a
certain master Siu who extended his kindness to liberate all, especially
setting up the teaching of the special transmission outside of doctrine. For
those who heard, it was a rare opportunity; those who accepted it formed a
religious association in their time. Everyone should respectfully understand
the heart of master Siu.
7. First establish a firm foothold in daily activities within society. Only then
can you cultivate reality and understand essence.
8. In obedience to a directive, I am acting as a guide to liberation. Now I am
bringing to light the source message of the golden flower of absolute unity.
After that I will explain in detail.
9. The absolute unity refers to what cannot be surpassed. There are very
many alchemical teachings, but all of them make temporary use of effort to
arrive at effortlessness; they are not teachings of total transcendence and