2. Vitality and energy degenerate along with the universe, but the original
spirit is still there; this is the infinite. The production of the universe all
derives from this. If learners can just preserve the original spirit, they live
transcendentally outside of yin and yang. They are not within the three
3. This is possible only by seeing essence. This is what is called the original
4. What is most wondrous is when the light has crystallized in a spiritual
body, gradually becoming consciously effective, and is on the verge of
moving into action. This is the secret that has not been transmitted in a
thousand ages.
5. The conscious mind is like a violent general of a strong fiefdom
controlling things from a distance, until the sword is turned around.
6. Now steadily keep to the chamber of the origin, turning the light around
to look back, and this is like having a heroic leader on top with great
ministers helping. Once the inner government is orderly, the strong and
violent naturally become tame.
7. The highest secrets of alchemy are the water of vitality, the fire of spirit,
and the earth of attention.