1. As you go along practicing turning the light around, you need not give up
your normal occupation. An ancient said, "When matters come up, one
should respond; when things come up, one should discern."
2. If you manage affairs with accurate mindfulness, then the light is not
overcome by things, so it will do to repeat this formless turning around of
the light time and again.
3. If you can look back again and again into the source of mind, whatever
you are doing, not sticking to any image of person or self at all, then this is
"turning the light around wherever you are." This is the finest practice.
4. In the early morning, if you can clear all objects from your mind and sit
quietly for one or two hours, that is best. Whenever you are engaged in
work or dealing with people, just use this "looking back" technique, and
there will be no interruption. If you practice in this way for two or three
months, the realized ones in Heaven will surely come to attest to your
VIII. The Secret of Freedom