life. She dies in his arms. The deaths of the two lovers drive him crazy to
suicide in fire.

Hue (her name is also a flower) is not a boatwoman in Hong Kong, but the
incidents around her mostly lead to the tragedy in Hong Kong. This is also
the background of the Vietnam Social at that time. Hue passed away with
her pure bright humanity – an essential characteristic of Viet woman, her
body lands down to the foot of a waterfall.

Beyond the major characters as mentioned above, Ba Son, Nguyet, Hung,
Oanh, Ha Coi… also contribute to the story considerably and make it
closer to reality. These people have no much chance to show but still alive
after all. The readers may predict their future as what they image.

Many people, mostly the readers who live in Vietnam, do not like our
wording, especially some political word that may be in favour of
Vietnamese Communists or vice verse. Nevertheless, the wording cannot be
changed otherwise the background of Vietnam Social at that time is
tailored; the people at that time speak with those words. Vietnamese
communist or their soldiers are called Viet-Cong; this word is assumed as a
serious insult. Kien is a son of two communists, he calls his parent
Vietcong. Even in the interview for entry visa to Vietnam, he says the same
word “…I know that they are Viet cong”

The word: Vietcong is Vietnamese Communist in short, the same is
applicable for China Communist, it is used in the media of South Vietnam

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

** Đây là liên kết chia sẻ bới cộng đồng người dùng, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm gì về nội dung của các thông tin này. Nếu có liên kết nào không phù hợp xin hãy báo cho admin.