CON LÀ KHÁCH QUÝ - Trang 303




What to expect when you are expecting - Heidi Murkoff
What to expect the first year - Heidi Murkoff
Child of mine, feeding with love and good sense - Ellyn


The No-Cry Sleep Solution - Elizabeth Pantley

How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk -

Adele Faber va Elaine Mazlish

Parenting without borders: surprising lessons parents

a round the world can teach us - Christine Gross-Loh

Beyond bedtime stories: A Parent's Guide to Promoting

Reading, Writing, and Other Literacy Skills from Birth to 5 -

Susan Bennett-Armistead, Nell K. Duke va Annie M . M oses

Battle hymn of the Tiger mother - Amy Chua

French twist: an American mom·s experiment in Parisian

parenting - Catherine Crawford

Bringing up bebe: one American mother discovers the

wisdom of French parenting - Pamela Druckerman

Mean moms rule: why doing the hard stuff now creates

good kids later - Denise Schipani

Positive discipline for preschoolers - Jane Nelsen

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