Role of Population Data Systems in Human Rights Abuses”,
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Về IBM và Holocaust - Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust
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Về số lượng dữ liệu do các đồng hồ thông minh thu thập - Elias
Leake Quinn, “Smart Metering and Privacy: Existing Law and
Competing Policies; A Report for the Colorado Public Utility
Commission”, Spring 2009 (
Smart_Meters_Colorado_Report.pdf); Joel M. Margolis, “When
Smart Grids Grow Smart Enough to Solve Crimes”, Neustar,
March 18, 2010 ( les/gcprod/
Tài liệu của Fred Cate về xin phép và cho phép - Fred H. Cate,
“The Failure of Fair Information Practice Principles”, in Jane K.
Winn, ed., Consumer Protection in the Age of the “Information
Economy” (Ashgate, 2006), p. 341 et seq.
Về phát hành dữ liệu AOL - Michael Barbaro and Tom Zeller Jr.,
“A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No. 4417749”, New York
Times, August 9, 2006; Matthew Karnitschnig and Mylene
Mangalindan, “AOL Fires Technology Chief After Web-Search
Data Scandal”, Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2006.
Net ix xác định cá nhân - Ryan Singel, “Net ix Spilled Your
Brokeback Mountain Secret, Lawsuit Claims”, Wired, December
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Về việc phát hành dữ liệu Net ix - Arvind Narayanan and Vitaly
Shmatikov, “Robust De-Anonymization of Large Sparse