ability up, too. Too many learners are focused solely on speaking and they
neglect listening. However, what use is speaking if you can’t understand the
other person?

Another reason listening is important is because the dynamics of spoken

English are completely different from those of the written language. For
starters, the grammar is different since we rarely speak in complete
sentences. The vocabulary is also different with a lot more idioms and slang
being used in speech. (See box.)

And most importantly, the speed is different. Speech is fast. Super fast. So

fast that you have no time to think about translations, or grammar rules, or
textbook lessons or pronunciation. There is no time. Your conscious brain
simply cannot analyze, translate, and organize real speech. This is the reason
your speech is so slow. This is the reason you can’t understand two native
speakers talking to each other.

In fact, in order to perform at real speaking speeds, you must turn off your

conscious brain and let your subconscious do its job. To do that, you must
use methods which awaken your subconscious. You must learn holistically,
intuitively, and naturally.

Primarily, this means listening to lots of understandable English speech…

and doing it repeatedly. As you listen, you quiet your conscious mind and
just allow your brain to understand the whole meaning of the words. You
don’t try to pick out individual words. You don’t worry about the few words
you don’t understand. You relax and you let the meaning wash over you.
Your mind is open and quiet. And then, when you speak, you just let the
words come out. You don’t struggle. You don’t analyze. You don’t think
about rules. You don’t worry about mistakes. You don’t think about
translations. You just let the words pour out of your mouth effortlessly. This
is what my students have learned to do. It takes time, but as you focus on
listening and learning English effortlessly, your fluency, confidence and
correctness will grow.

Less Stress

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

** Đây là liên kết chia sẻ bới cộng đồng người dùng, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm gì về nội dung của các thông tin này. Nếu có liên kết nào không phù hợp xin hãy báo cho admin.