Seminar on Educational Management and Leadership “Personal Renewal
Towards Leadership Maturity in Educational Management”, Genting
Highlands, Malaysia, December 9-12, 1996.
Phan Dung. Creativity and Innovation Methodologies Based on Enlarged
TRIZ for Problem Solving and Decision Making (The textbook for English
Speaking Learners). The CSTC, Hochiminh City. 1996.
Phan Dung. Dialectical Systems Thinking for Problem Solving and
Decision Making. The 7th International Conference on Thinking, Singapore,
June 1-6, 1997. Also in Morris I. Stein (ed.) Creativity's Global
Correspondents - 1998, Florida, Winslow Press, USA, 143-161. And in The
Korean Journal of Thinking & Problem Solving, 2000.4, 49-67.
Phan Dung. On the Basic Program “Creativity Methodologies for
Problem Solving and Decision Making” Being Taught by the CSTC in
Vietnam (invited article). In Morris I. Stein (ed.) Creativity's Global
Correspondents - 1999, Florida, Winslow Press, USA, 250-256.
Phan Dung. Some Results Derived from Teaching the Course “Creativity
Methodologies” (invited article). In Morris I. Stein (ed.) Creativity’s Global
Correspondents – 2000, Florida, Winslow Press, USA, 205-212.
Phan Dung. My Experiences with my Teacher Genrikh Saulovich
Altshuller (invited article). In Morris I. Stein (ed.) Creativity’s Global
Correspondents – 2001, Florida, Winslow Press. USA, 255-270.
Phan Dung. Enlarging TRIZ and Teaching Enlarged TRIZ for the Large
Public. Keynote paper presented at the International Conference “TRIZCON
2001”, Woodland Hills, California, USA, March 25-27, 2001.
Also in “The TRIZ Journal”, Issues June and July 2001 on the website
Phan Dung. Are Methodologies of Creativity Really Useful for You as a
Teacher of Creativity (invited article). In Morris I. Stein (ed.) Creativity’s
Global Correspondents – 2002, New York, USA, 211 – 218.