20. “2017 WeChat User Report Is Out!—China Channel,” WeChat
Based Solutions & Services, được truy cập vào 30/06/2017,
http://chinachannel. co/1017-wechat-report-users/.
21. David Cohen, “How Much Time Will the Average Person Spend
on Social Media During Their Life? (Infographic),” Adweek, được
truy cập vào 30/06/2017, http://www.adweek.com/digital/mediakix-
time- spent-social-media-infographic/; Brad Stone và Lulu Yilun
Chen, “Tencent Dominates in China. The Next Challenge Is the Rest
of the World,” Bloomberg.com, 28/06/2017, được truy cập vào
02/07/2017, https:// www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-06-28/
tencent-rules-china-the-problem-is-the-rest-of-the- world. As for
WeChat: An earlier version of this case study has been published as
Shih, Willy, Howard Yu, and Feng Liu, “WeChat: A Global Platform?”
Harvard Business School Case 615–049, 06/2015 (Rev. 08/2017).
22. Beth Carter, “High Tech, Low Life Peeks Through China’s Great
Firewall,” Wired, 17/04/2012, https:// www.wired.com/2012/04/high-
23. He Huifeng, “WeChat Red Envelopes Help Drive Online
Payments Use in China,” South China Morning Post, 15/02/2016,
http://www.scmp.com/ tech/article/1913340/wechat-red-envelopes-
help- drive-online-payments-use-china.
24. Juro Osawa, “China Mobile-Payment Battle Becomes a Free-for-
All,”Wall Street Journal, được chỉnh sửa lần cuối vào 22/05/2016,
http://www.wsj. com/articles/china-mobile-payment-battle-becomes-
a-free-for-all-1463945404; Paul Smith, “The Top Four Mistakes That
Make Business Leaders Awful Storytellers,” Fast Company,
05/11/2016, https:// www.fastcompany.com/3065209/work-smart/the-
top-four-mistakes-that-make-business-leaders- awful-storytellers.
25. Paul Mozur, “In Urban China, Cash Is Rapidly Becoming
Obsolete,” New York Times, 16/07/2017, được truy cập vào
26/09/2017, https://www.nytimes. com/2017/07/16/business/china-
cash-smartphone- payments.html?mcubz=0.