Table 5-8. typeof return values


Return value


typeof undefined


typeof null


Unfortunate, but true

typeof {}


typeof true


typeof 1


typeof ""


typeof Symbol()


New in ES6

typeof function() {} "function"

Because typeof is an operator, parentheses are not required. That

is, if you have a variable x, you can use typeof x instead of

. The latter is valid syntax—the parentheses just form an

unnecessary expression group.

void Operator



operator has only one job: to evaluate its operand and then return


. Sound useless? It is. It can be used to force expression evaluation where

you want a return value of


, but I have never run across such a situation in

the wild. The only reason I include it in this book is that you will occasionally see it

used as the URI for an HTML


tag, which will prevent the browser from navigat‐

ing to a new page:





"javascript:void 0"

>Do nothing.</



This is not a recommended approach, but you do see it from time to time.

Assignment Operators

The assignment operator is straightforward: it assigns a value to a variable. What’s on

the lefthand side of the equals sign (sometimes called the lvalue) must be a variable,

property, or array element. That is, it must be something that can hold a value

(assigning a value to a constant is technically part of the declaration, not an assign‐

ment operator).

96 | Chapter 5: Expressions and Operators

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