deep and abiding kindness and friendship. Sarah Lewis: I love your face. Byron and

Amber Clayton are true and loyal friends who always bring a smile to my face. Lor‐

raine, it’s been years, but you still bring out the best in me. To Kate Nahas: I’m so glad

we have reconnected after so many years; I look forward to sharing a toast to Duke’s

memory. To Desember: thank you for your trust, warmth, and companionship. Lastly,

thanks to my new friends Chris Onstad and Jessica Rowe: you two have brought so

much joy and laughter into my life in the last two years, I don’t know what I would

have done without you.
To my mother, Ann: thank you for your unwavering support, love, and patience. My

father, Tom, remains my prototype for curiosity, innovation, and dedication, and

without him I would be a poor engineer (or perhaps not an engineer at all). My sister,

Meris, will always be a fixed point in my life, representing loyalty and conviction.

xxii | Preface

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