




// produces an error; no identifier

// called conference_room_a exists

You can use a literal anywhere you can use an identifier (where a

value is expected). For example, in our program, we could just use

the numeric literal 21.5 everywhere instead of using ROOM_TEMP_C.

If you use the numeric literal in a couple places, this may be OK.

But if you use it in 10 or 100 places, you should be using a constant

or variable instead: it makes your code easier to read, and you can

change the value in one place instead of many.

It is up to you, the programmer, to decide what to make a variable and what to make

a constant. Some things are quite obviously constants—such as the approximate value

of π (the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter), or


. Other

things, such as


, are not quite as obvious: 21.5°C might be a perfectly

comfortable room temperature for me, but not for you, so if this value is configurable

in your application, you would make it a variable instead.

Primitive Types and Objects

In JavaScript, values are either primitives or objects. Primitive types (such as string

and number) are immutable. The number 5 will always be the number 5; the string


will always be the string


. This seems obvious for numbers, but it

often trips people up with strings: when people concatenate strings together (


+ "omega"

), they sometimes think it’s the same string, just modified. It is not: it is a

new string, in the same way that 6 is a different number than 5. There are six primi‐

tive types that we will cover:

• Number
• String
• Boolean
• Null
• Undefined
• Symbol

Note that immutability doesn’t mean the contents of a variable can’t change:












is initialized with the (immutable) value


, and then it is assigned a

new (immutable) value,


. What’s important here is that




are different strings; only the value that


holds has changed. Most of the time, this

Primitive Types and Objects | 37

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