NỀN DÂN TRỊ MĨ - Trang 39

Guellec, Laurent: Tocqueville, L’apprentissage de la liberté, Paris 1996.

Hereth, Michael: Tocqueville zur Einführung, Hamburg 2001.

Welch, Cheryl B.: De Tocqueville, Oxford 2001.

4. Tổng quát

Heimonet, Jean-Michel: Tocqueville et le devenir de la démocratie, La

perversion de l’idéal, Paris 1999.

Lamberti, Jean-Claude: Tocqueville et les deux démocraties, Paris 1983.

Lawler, Peter A.: The Restless Mind, Alexis de Tocqueville on the Origin

and Perpetuation of Human Liberty, Lanham 1993.

Lively, Jack: The Social and Political Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville,

Oxford/New York 1965.

Manent, Pierre: Tocqueville et la nature de la démocratie, Paris 1993

(tiếng Anh: Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy, Lanham 1996).

Wolin, Sheldon: Tocqueville between two Worlds, The Making of a

Political Life, Princeton/Oxford 2001.

Zetterbaum, Marvin: Tocqueville and the Problem of Democracy,

Stanford 1967.

5. Các chuyên luận nhiều tác giả

Eisenstadt, Abraham S. (chủ biên): Reconsidering Tocqueville’s

Democracy in America, New Brunswick 1988.

Herb, Karlfriedrich/Hidalgo, Oliver (chủ biên): Alter Staat − Neue

Politik, Tocquevilles Entdeckung der modernen Demokratie, Baden-Baden

Hereth, Michael/Höffken, Jutta (chủ biên): Alexis de Tocqueville − Zur

Politik in der Demokratie, Baden-Baden 1981.

Lawler, Peter A./Alulis, Joseph (chủ biên): Tocqueville’s Defense of

Human Liberty, Current Essays, New York/London 1993.

Livre du centenaire 1859-1959, Paris 1960.

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