OSS VÀ HỒ CHÍ MINH - Trang 506

Philippine and Southeast Asia division, 1944 - 1952. Record Group 59.
National Archives and Record Administration. Washington, DC.

Records of the office of Strategic Services. Record Group 226. National
Archives and Records Administration. Washington, DC.

"Magic" Documents. Record Group 457. National Archives and Records
Administration. Washington, DC.

Archimedes L. Patti Papers. Special Collections. University of
CentralFlorida, Orlando, Florida.

Unpublished and Primary Sources

Defoumaux. Major RenJ. "Deer Team Diary". Courtesy of the author.

Fenn, Charles. Menoir. Courtesy of the author.

Full transcript of 1997 OSS/Viet Minh Meeting. Courtesy of William

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