“No, I have never learnt it,” said Gerda, “but my grandmother

understands it, and used to speak it to me. I wish I had learnt it.”

“It does not matter,” answered the crow; “I will explain as well as I can,

although it will be very badly done;” and he told her what he had heard. “In
this kingdom where we now are,” said he, “there lives a princess, who is so
wonderfully clever that she has read all the newspapers in the world, and
forgotten them too, although she is so clever. A short time ago, as she was
sitting on her throne, which people say is not such an agreeable seat as is
often supposed, she began to sing a song which commences in these words:

‘Why should I not be married?’

‘Why not indeed?’ said she, and so she determined to marry if she could

find a husband who knew what to say when he was spoken to, and not one
who could only look grand, for that was so tiresome. Then she assembled
all her court ladies together at the beat of the drum, and when they heard of
her intentions they were very much pleased. ‘We are so glad to hear it,’ said
they, ‘we were talking about it ourselves the other day.’ You may believe
that every word I tell you is true,” said the crow, “for I have a tame
sweetheart who goes freely about the palace, and she told me all this.”

Of course his sweetheart was a crow, for “birds of a feather flock

together,” and one crow always chooses another crow.

“Newspapers were published immediately, with a border of hearts, and

the initials of the princess among them. They gave notice that every young
man who was handsome was free to visit the castle and speak with the
princess; and those who could reply loud enough to be heard when spoken
to, were to make themselves quite at home at the palace; but the one who
spoke best would be chosen as a husband for the princess. Yes, yes, you
may believe me, it is all as true as I sit here,” said the crow. “The people
came in crowds. There was a great deal of crushing and running about, but
no one succeeded either on the first or second day. They could all speak
very well while they were outside in the streets, but when they entered the
palace gates, and saw the guards in silver uniforms, and the footmen in their

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