remembered, for it was one which had drawn the golden coach. A young
girl was riding upon it, with a shining red cap on her head, and pistols in her
belt. It was the little robber-maiden, who had got tired of staying at home;
she was going first to the north, and if that did not suit her, she meant to try
some other part of the world. She knew Gerda directly, and Gerda
remembered her: it was a joyful meeting.

“You are a fine fellow to go gadding about in this way,” said she to little

Kay, “I should like to know whether you deserve that any one should go to
the end of the world to find you.”

But Gerda patted her cheeks, and asked after the prince and princess.

“They are gone to foreign countries,” said the robber-girl.

“And the crow?” asked Gerda.

“Oh, the crow is dead,” she replied; “his tame sweetheart is now a widow,

and wears a bit of black worsted round her leg. She mourns very pitifully,
but it is all stuff. But now tell me how you managed to get him back.”

Then Gerda and Kay told her all about it.

“Snip, snap, snare! it’s all right at last,” said the robber-girl.

Then she took both their hands, and promised that if ever she should pass

through the town, she would call and pay them a visit. And then she rode
away into the wide world. But Gerda and Kay went hand-in-hand towards
home; and as they advanced, spring appeared more lovely with its green
verdure and its beautiful flowers. Very soon they recognized the large town

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