burning, and a noble stag, with its branching horns, was placed on a spit
between the trunks of two pine-trees. It was turning slowly before the fire,
and an elderly woman, as large and strong as if she had been a man in
disguise, sat by, throwing one piece of wood after another into the flames.

“Come in,” she said to the prince; “sit down by the fire and dry yourself.”

“There is a great draught here,” said the prince, as he seated himself on

the ground.

“It will be worse when my sons come home,” replied the woman; “you

are now in the cavern of the Winds, and my sons are the four Winds of
heaven: can you understand that?”

“Where are your sons?” asked the prince.

“It is difficult to answer stupid questions,” said the woman. “My sons

have plenty of business on hand; they are playing at shuttlecock with the
clouds up yonder in the king’s hall,” and she pointed upwards.

“Oh, indeed,” said the prince; “but you speak more roughly and harshly

and are not so gentle as the women I am used to.”

“Yes, that is because they have nothing else to do; but I am obliged to be

harsh, to keep my boys in order, and I can do it, although they are so head-
strong. Do you see those four sacks hanging on the wall? Well, they are just
as much afraid of those sacks, as you used to be of the rat behind the
looking-glass. I can bend the boys together, and put them in the sacks
without any resistance on their parts, I can tell you. There they stay, and
dare not attempt to come out until I allow them to do so. And here comes
one of them.”

It was the North Wind who came in, bringing with him a cold, piercing

blast; large hailstones rattled on the floor, and snowflakes were scattered
around in all directions. He wore a bearskin dress and cloak. His sealskin
cap was drawn over his ears, long icicles hung from his beard, and one
hailstone after another rolled from the collar of his Jeanet.

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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