been there before them; otherwise, in such a wild desert, they might not
believe it possible.”

“So you have done nothing but evil,” said the mother. “Into the sack with

you;” and, before he was aware, she had seized the South Wind round the
body, and popped him into the bag. He rolled about on the floor, till she sat
herself upon him to keep him still.

“These boys of yours are very lively,” said the prince.

“Yes,” she replied, “but I know how to correct them, when necessary; and

here comes the fourth.” In came the East Wind, dressed like a Chinese.

“Oh, you come from that quarter, do you?” said she; “I thought you had

been to the garden of paradise.”

“I am going there to-morrow,” he replied; “I have not been there for a

hundred years. I have just come from China, where I danced round the
porcelain tower till all the bells jingled again. In the streets an official
flogging was taking place, and bamboo canes were being broken on the
shoulders of men of every high position, from the first to the ninth grade.
They cried, ‘Many thanks, my fatherly benefactor;’ but I am sure the words
did not come from their hearts, so I rang the bells till they sounded, ‘ding,

“You are a wild boy,” said the old woman; “it is well for you that you are

going to-morrow to the garden of paradise; you always get improved in
your education there. Drink deeply from the fountain of wisdom while you
are there, and bring home a bottleful for me.”

“That I will,” said the East Wind; “but why have you put my brother

South in a bag? Let him out; for I want him to tell me about the phoenix-
bird. The princess always wants to hear of this bird when I pay her my visit
every hundred years. If you will open the sack, sweetest mother, I will give
you two pocketfuls of tea, green and fresh as when I gathered it from the
spot where it grew.”

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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