while the flowers bowed to the breath of the wind as if to welcome it. “Are
we now in the garden of paradise?” asked the prince.
“No, indeed,” replied the East Wind; “but we shall be there very soon. Do
you see that wall of rocks, and the cavern beneath it, over which the grape
vines hang like a green curtain? Through that cavern we must pass. Wrap
your cloak round you; for while the sun scorches you here, a few steps
farther it will be icy cold. The bird flying past the entrance to the cavern
feels as if one wing were in the region of summer, and the other in the
depths of winter.”
“So this then is the way to the garden of paradise?” asked the prince, as
they entered the cavern. It was indeed cold; but the cold soon passed, for the
East Wind spread his wings, and they gleamed like the brightest fire. As
they passed on through this wonderful cave, the prince could see great
blocks of stone, from which water trickled, hanging over their heads in
fantastic shapes. Sometimes it was so narrow that they had to creep on their
hands and knees, while at other times it was lofty and wide, like the free air.
It had the appearance of a chapel for the dead, with petrified organs and
silent pipes. “We seem to be passing through the valley of death to the
garden of paradise,” said the prince.
But the East Wind answered not a word, only pointed forwards to a
lovely blue light which gleamed in the distance. The blocks of stone
assumed a misty appearance, till at last they looked like white clouds in
moonlight. The air was fresh and balmy, like a breeze from the mountains
perfumed with flowers from a valley of roses. A river, clear as the air itself,
sparkled at their feet, while in its clear depths could be seen gold and silver
fish sporting in the bright water, and purple eels emitting sparks of fire at
every moment, while the broad leaves of the water-lilies, that floated on its
surface, flickered with all the colors of the rainbow. The flower in its color
of flame seemed to receive its nourishment from the water, as a lamp is
sustained by oil. A marble bridge, of such exquisite workmanship that it
appeared as if formed of lace and pearls, led to the island of happiness, in
which bloomed the garden of paradise. The East Wind took the prince in his