time to come. All parents are glad to have a little child, and children are so
pleased with a little brother or sister. Now we will fly to the pond and fetch
a little baby for each of the children who did not sing that naughty song to
make game of the storks.”

“But the naughty boy, who began the song first, what shall we do to

him?” cried the young storks.

“There lies in the pond a little dead baby who has dreamed itself to

death,” said the mother. “We will take it to the naughty boy, and he will cry
because we have brought him a little dead brother. But you have not
forgotten the good boy who said it was a shame to laugh at animals: we will
take him a little brother and sister too, because he was good. He is called
Peter, and you shall all be called Peter in future.”

So they all did what their mother had arranged, and from that day, even

till now, all the storks have been called Peter.

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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