“You may as well laugh,” said the turkey; “for that remark was rather
witty, or perhaps it was above you. Ah, ah, is he not clever? He will be a
great amusement to us while he remains here.” And then he gobbled, and
the ducks quacked, “Gobble, gobble; Quack, quack.”
What a terrible uproar they made, while they were having such fun
among themselves!
Then Hjalmar went to the hen-house; and, opening the door, called to the
stork. Then he hopped out on the deck. He had rested himself now, and he
looked happy, and seemed as if he nodded to Hjalmar, as if to thank him.
Then he spread his wings, and flew away to warmer countries, while the
hens clucked, the ducks quacked, and the turkey-cock turned quite scarlet in
the head.
“To-morrow you shall be made into soup,” said Hjalmar to the fowls; and
then he awoke, and found himself lying in his little bed.
It was a wonderful journey which Ole-Luk-Oie had made him take this
What do you think I have got here?” said Ole-Luk-Oie, “Do not be
frightened, and you shall see a little mouse.” And then he held out his hand
to him, in which lay a lovely little creature. “It has come to invite you to a
wedding. Two little mice are going to enter into the marriage state tonight.
They reside under the floor of your mother’s store-room, and that must be a
fine dwelling-place.”
“But how can I get through the little mouse-hole in the floor?” asked