midnight when he left the miller’s house, after this his first visit.

While the lights in the windows of the miller’s house still twinkled

through the green foliage, out through the open skylight came the parlor-cat
on to the roof, and along the water-pipe walked the kitchen-cat to meet her.

“What is the news at the mill?” asked the parlor-cat. “Here in the house

there is secret love-making going on, which the father knows nothing about.
Rudy and Babette have been treading on each other’s paws, under the table,
all the evening. They trod on my tail twice, but I did not mew; that would
have attracted notice.”

“Well, I should have mewed,” said the kitchen-cat.

“What might suit the kitchen would not suit the parlor,” said the other. “I

am quite curious to know what the miller will say when he finds out this

Yes, indeed; what would the miller say? Rudy himself was anxious to

know that; but to wait till the miller heard of it from others was out of the
question. Therefore, not many days after this visit, he was riding in the
omnibus that runs between the two cantons, Valais and Vaud. These cantons
are separated by the Rhone, over which is a bridge that unites them. Rudy,
as usual, had plenty of courage, and indulged in pleasant thoughts of the
favorable answer he should receive that evening. And when the omnibus
returned, Rudy was again seated in it, going homewards; and at the same
time the parlor-cat at the miller’s house ran out quickly, crying,-

“Here, you from the kitchen, what do you think? The miller knows all

now. Everything has come to a delightful end. Rudy came here this evening,
and he and Babette had much whispering and secret conversation together.
They stood in the path near the miller’s room. I lay at their feet; but they
had no eyes or thoughts for me.

“‘I will go to your father at once,’ said he; ‘it is the most honorable way.’

“‘Shall I go with you?’ asked Babette; ‘it will give you courage.’

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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