The Shirt Collar


>>> Vietnamese Version

There was once a fine gentleman who possessed among other things a

boot-Jean and a hair-brush; but he had also the finest shirt-collar in the
world, and of this collar we are about to hear a story. The collar had become
so old that he began to think about getting married; and one day he
happened to find himself in the same washing-tub as a garter. “Upon my
word,” said the shirt-collar, “I have never seen anything so slim and
delicate, so neat and soft before. May I venture to ask your name?”

“I shall not tell you,” replied the garter.

“Where do you reside when you are at home?” asked the shirt-collar. But

the garter was naturally shy, and did not know how to answer such a

“I presume you are a girdle,” said the shirt-collar, “a sort of under girdle.

I see that you are useful, as well as ornamental, my little lady.”

“You must not speak to me,” said the garter; “I do not think I have given

you any encouragement to do so.”

“Oh, when any one is as beautiful as you are,” said the shirt-collar, “is not

that encouragement enough?”

“Get away; don’t come so near me,” said the garter, “you appear to me

quite like a man.”

“I am a fine gentleman certainly,” said the shirt-collar, “I possess a boot-

Jean and a hair-brush.” This was not true, for these things belonged to his
master; but he was a boaster.

“Don’t come so near me,” said the garter; “I am not accustomed to it.”

“Affectation!” said the shirt-collar.

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