studded with gold coins, and these he could use.
Then he flew away to the town and bought a new dressing-gown, and
afterwards returned to the wood, where he composed a story, so as to be
ready for Saturday, which was no easy matter. It was ready however by
Saturday, when he went to see the princess. The king, and queen, and the
whole court, were at tea with the princess; and he was received with great
“Will you tell us a story?” said the queen,-”one that is instructive and full
of deep learning.”
“Yes, but with something in it to laugh at,” said the king.
“Certainly,” he replied, and commenced at once, asking them to listen
attentively. “There was once a bundle of matches that were exceedingly
proud of their high descent. Their genealogical tree, that is, a large pine-tree
from which they had been cut, was at one time a large, old tree in the wood.
The matches now lay between a tinder-box and an old iron saucepan, and
were talking about their youthful days. ‘Ah! then we grew on the green
boughs, and were as green as they; every morning and evening we were fed
with diamond drops of dew. Whenever the sun shone, we felt his warm
rays, and the little birds would relate stories to us as they sung. We knew
that we were rich, for the other trees only wore their green dress in summer,
but our family were able to array themselves in green, summer and winter.
But the wood-cutter came, like a great revolution, and our family fell under
the axe. The head of the house obtained a situation as mainmast in a very
fine ship, and can sail round the world when he will. The other branches of
the family were taken to different places, and our office now is to kindle a
light for common people. This is how such high-born people as we came to
be in a kitchen.’
“‘Mine has been a very different fate,’ said the iron pot, which stood by
the matches; ‘from my first entrance into the world I have been used to
cooking and scouring. I am the first in this house, when anything solid or
useful is required. My only pleasure is to be made clean and shining after