“‘Yes,’ said the old woman, ‘I remember it very well; we used to water
the branches, and one of them, an elder-tree branch, took root, and grew and
became the large tree under which we are now sitting as old people.’
“‘Certainly, you are right,’ he said; ‘and in yonder corner stood a large
water-tub; there I used to sail my boat, which I had cut out myself-it sailed
so well; but soon I had to sail somewhere else.’
“‘But first we went to school to learn something,’ she said, ‘and then we
were confirmed; we both wept on that day, but in the afternoon we went out
hand in hand, and ascended the high round tower and looked out into the
wide world right over Copenhagen and the sea; then we walked to
Fredericksburg, where the king and the queen were sailing about in their
magnificent boat on the canals.’
“‘But soon I had to sail about somewhere else, and for many years I was
travelling about far away from home.’
“‘And I often cried about you, for I was afraid lest you were drowned and
lying at the bottom of the sea. Many a time I got up in the night and looked
if the weathercock had turned; it turned often, but you did not return. I
remember one day distinctly: the rain was pouring down in torrents; the
dust-man had come to the house where I was in service; I went down with
the dust-bin and stood for a moment in the doorway, and looked at the
dreadful weather. Then the postman gave me a letter; it was from you.
Heavens! how that letter had travelled about. I tore it open and read it; I
cried and laughed at the same time, and was so happy! Therein was written
that you were staying in the hot countries, where the coffee grows. These
must be marvellous countries. You said a great deal about them, and I read
all while the rain was pouring down and I was standing there with the dust-
bin. Then suddenly some one put his arm round my waist-’
“‘Yes, and you gave him a hearty smack on the cheek,’ said the old man.
“‘I did not know that it was you-you had come as quickly as your letter;
and you looked so handsome, and so you do still. You had a large yellow