The two large moles were on the right cheek, and the right eyebrow was

extraordinarily long. The far end drew an arc over the eyelid, and reached
even to the line of the closed eye. Why should the camera have made it
seem so long? The eyebrow and the two moles seemed to add a gently
pleasing melancholy to the dead face.

The long eyebrow brought twinges of sorrow. This was the reason.

When my wife and I visited the Urokoya on January 16, two days before

the Master’s death, his wife said: “Yes. We were going to mention it as
soon as these good people came. Do you remember? We were going to
mention your eyebrow.” She cast a prompting glance at the Master, then
turned to us. “I am sure it was on the twelfth. Rather a warm day, I believe.
We thought it would be right for the trip to Atami if he were to have a good
shave, and so we called a barber we’ve known for years. My husband went
out into the sunlight on the veranda for his shave. He seemed to remember
something. He said to the barber that he had one very long hair in his left
eyebrow. It was a sign of long life, he said, and the barber was not to touch
it. The barber stopped work and said yes, there it was, this one right here. A
hair of good luck, a sign of long life. He would indeed be careful. My
husband turned to me and said that Mr. Uragami had written about the hair
in his newspaper articles. Mr. Uragami had a remarkable eye for details, he
said. He had not noticed it himself until he read about it in the paper. He
was overcome with admiration.”

Though the Master was silent as always, a flicker crossed his face as if it

had caught the shadow of a passing bird. I was uncomfortable.

But I did not dream that the Master would be dead two days after the

story of the mark of longevity he had asked the barber to spare.

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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