The Master still did not seem convinced. He took the chart from the girl
and examined it intently.
I like a good bath, and it was summer; and always when a session ended
I went immediately to the bath house. Today Otaké was almost as quick as I
“You made good progress.”
“The Master is fast and he makes no mistakes, and that gives him a
double advantage,” laughed Otaké. “The game is as good as over.”
I could still feel the strength that seemed to flow from him when he was
at the board. It was something of an embarrassment to meet a Go player
just before or after a session.
This restless energy suggested great resolve. Branded on his mind,
perhaps, was a plan for a violent attack.
Onoda of the Sixth Rank too was astonished at the Master’s speed.
“Eleven hours would be more than enough for him even in a grand
tournament. But it’s a difficult spot. That cap isn’t the kind of play you
make in a hurry.”
Through the fourth session, on July 16, White had used four hours and
thirty-eight minutes, and Black six hours and fifty-two minutes. At the end
of the fifth session, on July 21, the difference was even greater: five hours
and fifty-seven minutes for White, ten hours and twenty-eight minutes for
At the end of the sixth session, on July 31,
White had used eight hours
and thirty-two minutes, Black twelve hours and forty-three minutes; and at
the end of the seventh on August 5, White had used ten hours and thirty-
one minutes, Black fifteen hours and forty-five minutes.
But by the tenth session, on August 14, the distance had narrowed: White
had used fourteen hours and fifty-eight minutes as against Black’s