lượng hàng nhiều hơn. Do đó, khi giá cân bằng là P' thì thặng dư sẽ được
tối đa hóa tại lượng cân bằng.

Bài viết sau đây trình bày cách đo lường lợi ích mà người bán thu được.

(Saigon Times Daily ngày 5-8-2002)

12. Markets And Producer Welfare

Market transactions make buyers and sellers better off. The above article

showed how consumers' gain in the consumption of pho is measured. This
article shows how economists measure the gain that Tpho restaurants enjoy
from market transactions.

We analyze producers' gains with the supply curve of pho shown below.

Price (VND/bowl) is on die vertical axis and Quantity Supplied
(bowls/time period) is on the horizontal axis. The supply curve tells us how
many bowls of pho will be supplied at each possible price. The higher the
price, the greater the quantity supplied.

In a competitive market, producers all sell at the equilibrium price (P*).

But the diagram shows that some producers would be willing to produce at
a price lower than P*, since they are more efficient and therefore can
produce additional units at a lower cost. These producers receive producer
surplus equal to the difference between the price at which they are willing
to sell and the price at which they actually sell.

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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