can set aside a couple of hours so as to join us. I am sure Arthur will
be happy to see you, as I shall also.

The luncheon will be held in the Persian Room at twelve-fifteen.

Sincerely yours,

[Ký tên]

Dear Ms. Drake:

It is a pleasure to accept your invitation to attend the dinner next

Thursday evening honoring your million-dollar-a-year salespeople.

I shall be in Room 200 of the Waldorf Hotel promptly at seven-

thirty, as you request.

Thank you very much for your invitation.

Sincerely yours,

Bob Brueck

Dear Mr. Brown:

I shall be delighted to speak to the Chicago Rotary Club next

Thursday. Thank you for inviting me.

Your suggestion that I repeat my Detroit address means that I

won’t have to prepare a new one.

I shall look forward to seeing you in the Venetian Room at noon.

Sincerely yours,

Barry Lee

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