So what is Effortless English™? By "effortless" I certainly don't mean

lazy English. On the contrary, "effortless English" is going to be the result
of the work you put in every day. By following my system, you will make
progress and achieve the result of speaking naturally and "effortlessly"
(unforced, without stress, hesitation or nervousness).

In other words, "effortless" is the result, not the beginning. Your goal is

to speak English effortlessly. You want the words to flow out without
thinking, without translating, without worry or hesitation. You want to
speak English just as you speak your own native language. Effortless
speaking is the final result, and sometimes it takes a lot of effort to become

It is possible, however, to thoroughly enjoy that effort. The example I

like to use is that of an athlete or artist "in the zone." "In the zone" means
performing excellently and effortlessly. When an athlete is "in the zone" at
one level, they are working very hard – expending a lot of energy, pushing,
totally focused. However, when they are enjoying themselves and
completely focused, the activity FEELS effortless to them. There is no
feeling of forcing, straining, etc.

In fact, the name Effortless English™ was inspired by the Taoist idea of

"wu wei" or effortless effort. It's a description of that flow state where you
can be expending a lot of effort and yet it feels totally effortless and
natural, not forced.

So the point is that Effortless English™ is not about laziness, quick

fixes, or impossible scams... but rather about finding that state of
"effortless effort" or "wu wei." Effortless English means you speak English
fluently. You don't struggle as you speak. You don't feel nervous or
stressed. You don't think about grammar rules or translations.

When you speak English effortlessly, you communicate your ideas

clearly. You express your feelings powerfully. You focus on connecting
with other people, not on conjugating verbs. You thoroughly enjoy the
process of speaking English as you work, travel and learn.

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

** Đây là liên kết chia sẻ bới cộng đồng người dùng, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm gì về nội dung của các thông tin này. Nếu có liên kết nào không phù hợp xin hãy báo cho admin.