will still be better than its speaking. The baby will understand more than it
can say.
This is the natural way of learning English. As you can see, it is very
different than the way you learned in school. In school you focused on
reading textbooks from the beginning. Perhaps you were forced to speak
very soon, even though you were not ready. You focused on studying
grammar rules. When you made a mistake, the teacher corrected you.
Unlike the baby, you did not improve quickly. You didn’t improve your
grammar naturally and effortlessly. Your pronunciation never seemed to get
much better. And your speaking always seemed too slow. For you, English
probably was not a joyful experience. English was not a playful and natural
experience that you loved.
Clearly there is something wrong with the traditional way of teaching
English in school. Clearly we need a better method, a method that closely
follows the natural way that humans are designed to learn a language.
The truth is, your brain is an incredible language-learning machine.
When you have strong psychology and an effective method, you learn
English quickly. Even better, when you follow a natural approach, you
enjoy the process of learning because you are no longer fighting against
nature and your own brain.
You have learned Effortless English™ psychology. Now it is time to
learn the engine, the method, of Effortless English™. Each of the seven
rules is an important part of this method. Each rule is a new way to “play
English.” As you learn and use the seven rules, be sure to maintain a playful
attitude. Be flexible. Have fun. Enjoy this new process of learning.
The seven rules are interconnected and work synergistically.
“Synergistic” means the rules are more powerful when used together than
they are individually. Each rule makes the other rules stronger. Together
they form a powerful method for achieving fluency and skill with English.
How to use this section