Babies Learn Best —

The Effortless English™ Engine

You have now learned the first part of the Effortless English™ system:

the fuel or psychology. You know how to create high-quality emotional fuel
to power your journey on the road to English fluency. Now it’s time to
focus on the engine that will use that fuel. This is what I like to call the
Ferrari of language learning – the Effortless English™ method.

As I noted earlier, Effortless English™ is a system I developed over a

period of several years of teaching and research. Through trial and error,
I’ve been able to improve and adapt this method to suit the needs of
learners all over the world. As long as you bring the proper psychology and
emotional fuel to the method, I guarantee you’ll arrive quickly at English

For purposes of clarity, I have broken the Effortless English™ method

into seven steps. I refer to these steps as the “seven rules.” In this chapter,
I’ll introduce these rules and briefly explain how they work. I’ll also
describe how this section will be organized, so that you can get the
maximum benefits from studying English each time you sit down.

Each of the seven rules is a piece of “profound knowledge” that will

completely change the results you get with English. Professor Edwards
Deming described profound knowledge as a new idea, strategy or
distinction that powerfully changes the quality of results. Profound
knowledge is often a simple change that creates a big improvement.

Each of the seven rules is simple, but when used each will produce large

improvements in your English speaking. Used together with strong
psychology, the seven rules speed your travel along the road to fluency.

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