Here are the steps for using the swish technique:
1. Identify the feeling or action you want to change. Maybe it’s a feeling
of nervousness when speaking English. First, make a movie of that negative
situation. See, hear and feel what’s happening in this negative movie.
2. Next you will create a power movie that represents your goal, what
you want to feel and do instead. You could, for example, use the power
movie in the previous example… a movie of yourself speaking powerfully
and feeling great.
3. Use the “swish” to connect the two movies and create an automatic
change from the negative to the power movie. Essentially, you are
anchoring the power movie to the old negative situation.
This is how you do the swish specifically:
Close your eyes and start by making a big picture of the negative
situation you want to change. See it clearly. Then imagine there is a small
dark square in the corner of that picture. That small square is your power
movie. So you have the big negative movie on the screen in front of you,
and in the corner of that screen is a small square which contains the power
Next, say “Wooosh!” and imagine that the small square explodes and
becomes a huge movie screen. As it explodes, it completely destroys the
negative movie and replaces it. Now you see your power movie in front of
you. It is big, bright, and colorful. It has a great soundtrack and it feels
great. Notice the movie and let those happy feelings grow stronger.
Be sure to say the word “Woosh!” loudly and powerfully, with a lot of
excitement. Remember peak emotion and use a strong body gesture, too, in
order to increase the positive feelings. You are creating a connection, an
anchor, between the word, the gesture, and the power movie.
Next, open your eyes for a moment to reset. Then close your eyes and
repeat the entire swish process. Each time, make the explosion happen
faster. The power movie explodes and destroys that old image. Shout
“Woosh!” loudly and make the peak emotions of your power movie even