movie screen in your mind and bring it closer, so the movie is much bigger.
Then make the colors more beautiful. Make the image a little brighter.

As you continue watching this great movie, notice the soundtrack. Hear

one of the listeners say, “Wow, your English is great! How did you learn to
speak so well?” Turn up the sound so you can hear this loud and clear!
Notice how you feel when you hear this compliment. You’ll feel the pride
and happiness in your body somewhere. Where is it? Wherever it is, make
that happy vibration faster and stronger and then move it around all of your
body. Feels great!

You have just created your English power movie, and you are the movie

star. You are confident and skillful. You are happy. You are amazing,
speaking English effortlessly! Feels great!

With this directing power, you start to program your brain for the exact

beliefs, emotions and outcomes that you want. You focus on this power
movie every day, and each time you create the movie it becomes stronger.
Anytime a negative movie arises in your mind, you use your directing skill
to make it smaller and weaker. Day by day, by consciously mastering your
mind, you completely change your life.

Of course this requires daily practice. Those old movies were created

over many years, so you need to consciously create your power movies
every day. By doing so, step by step you will re-program yourself for
English success.

One particularly powerful way to reprogram your movies is by using a

method called “the swish.” The swish is a classic technique of success
psychology and NLP. A swish is a way to instantly and automatically
change a negative internal movie into a power movie that makes you feel
great. For example, if you frequently feel nervous when speaking English,
you can program your mind to automatically change to feeling powerful
and confident every time you speak.

You must practice and train this “swish” technique daily, but once it is

programmed deeply, you will not need to think about it. Whenever you
need to speak English, you will effortlessly feel strong and confident.

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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