Then open your eyes for a moment, reset, close your eyes, and do it

again. Keep repeating the process, again and again. Each day, practice
doing this ten times or more. Do it daily. It may take thirty or more days to
program an automatic response. Once programmed, you will notice an
amazing result. When you are in an English speaking situation, you may
feel a brief moment of nervousness. Then suddenly, you’ll feel better —
more powerful, more relaxed and more confident. It will happen
automatically and effortlessly. This is the result of the swish programming.

Make this a daily habit. You can do this swish process every morning

when you wake up and it will only take a few minutes. During these few
minutes, you program your unconscious mind for success. You change the
old negative movies. You develop more powerful beliefs and feelings about
English. You take control and become a skilled director of your own mind.

You now have all the tools you need to develop powerful success

psychology. You know how to create peak emotions and connect them to
English. You know the importance of beliefs and how to change them
through modeling. You know how to use physical movement to create
emotions and enhance memory. You know the motivational power of big
goals and how to find your deeper reasons for learning English. And you
know how to consciously direct your mind to success by using internal

On the road to English fluency, you need two things: powerful fuel and a

powerful car: strong psychology and a great method. You now know how to
create the premium fuel you need.

In the next section, you will learn what to do with that fuel — the

specific English learning methods you must use in order to speak English
powerfully. It is time to learn the Effortless English™ engine.

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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