Alshuller's followers and TRIZ users. TRIZ has helped them to be much
more creative and improved effectiveness of their work and results.
Zinovy Royzen, TRIZ Consulting, USA
I feel very sad to receive your e-mail. I had known Dr. Altshuller about
fifteen years ago in a Japanese magazine. And I found his TRIZ. I have great
respect for his theory and his practice. It is with deep sadness for me to lose
Dr. Altshuller. His theory gives me theoretical hints to solve problems.
Thank you Dr. Altshuller.
Hidemi Kitaguchi, Toshiba Techno Center, Inc., Japan
Altshuller had the capability to see the future. He began to develop the
methodology that he later named TRIZ, in 1940s. In 1980s TRIZ already
existed, and existed Altshuller school. But Altshuller already knew that this
is not enough. He already had begun to develop the Life Strategy of the
Creative Person.
The capability to foresee the future. And not only skills to foresee, but
also the capability to fight for the future. That Altshuller showed and taught
to us.
Kalevi Rantanen, TRIS OY, Finland
I never have met G.S. Altshuller, but his books changed my life. The
effect of the first Althuller's book that I read was like if anybody suddenly
switched on light in dark room and I could clear see the things which were
hidden in darkness. Since this moment my life was connected with TRIZ.
Gregory Frenklach, Israel
He dedicated his life to a cause that dramatically raised - and continues to
raise - the level of society. He initiated, and carried through, a revolution. He
accomplished this task with all the odds against him, at every turn in his
career. In this respect, he is the ultimate example of the "creative
personality" that he studied and introduced in his writings.
Genrich Altshuller has been "drawn up again" - forever to flower and
decorate the landscape of the present and of the future - in each of us, and in