Life Development', Chiang Mai, Thailand, August 26-30, 1996 5. Phan
Dung. The Renewal in Creative Thinking Process for Problem Solving and
Decision Making. Keynote paper presented at the Sixth National Seminar on
Educational Management and Leadership “Personal Renewal Towards
Leadership Maturity in Educational Management”, Genting Highlands,
Malaysia, December 9-12, 1996 6. Phan Dung, Dialectical Systems
Thinking for Problem Solving and Decision Making. The 7th International
Conference on Thinking, Singapore, June 1-6, 1997. Also in Morris I. Stein
(ed.) Creativity's Global Correspondents - 1998, Florida, Winslow Press,
USA, 143-161. And in The Korean Journal of Thinking & Problem Solving,
2000.4, 49-67 7. Phan Dung, On the Basic Program 'Creativity
Methodologies for Problem Solving and Decision Making' Being Taught by
the CSTC in Vietnam (invited article). In Morris I. Stein (ed.) Creativity's
Global Correspondents - 1999, Florida, Winslow Press, USA, 250-256 8.
Phan Dung, Enlarging TRIZ and Teaching Enlarged TRIZ for the Large
Public. Keynote paper presented at the International Conference
“TRIZCON2001”, Woodland Hills, California, USA, March 25-27, 2001
Also in “The TRIZ Journal”, Issues June and July 2001 on the website the husband’s interpretation is
wrong. The wife’s interpretation is correct in accordance with the meaning
given in the Dictionary of Vietnam’s Proverbs.

9. Phan Dung, My Experiences with My Teacher Genrikh Saulovich
Altshuller (invited article). In Morris I. Stein (ed.) Creativity’s Global
Correspondents – 2001, Florida, Winslow Press. USA, 255 – 270 (1) There
are two doctor's degrees in the Soviet Union. The first one called 'Kandidat
Nauk' is roughly equivalent to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (D. Ph. or
Ph. D.). The second one called 'Doktor Nauk' is the highest degree. It is
translated into English as Doctor of Science (D. Sc. or Sc. D.). The degree
'Doktor Nauk' is awarded for a dissertation where its author having the first
degree has opened a new research direction or solved a highly generalized
problem in the given field. (11) V. M. Petrov, at the beginning of the l990s
migrated to Israel. Now, he is the president of Israel - TRIZ Association. 12.

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