NỀN DÂN TRỊ MĨ - Trang 43

Keslassy, Eric: Le libéralisme de Tocqueville à l’épreuve du paupérisme,

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Kessler, Sanford: Tocqueville’s Civil Religion, American Christianity and

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King, Preston: Fear of Power, An Analysis of Anti-Statism in three French

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La Capra, Dominick: History and Reading, Tocqueville, Foucault, French

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Lamberti, Jean-Claude: La notion d’individualisme chez Tocqueville,

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Matteucci, Nicola: Alexis de Tocqueville, Tre esercizi di lettura, Bologna


Mélonio, Françoise: Tocqueville et les Français, Paris 1993.

Meuwly, Olivier: Liberté et société, Constant et Tocqueville face aux

limites du libéralisme moderne, Paris 2002.

Mitchell, Harvey: Individual Choice and the structures of History, Alexis

de Tocqueville as Historian Reappraised, Cambridge 1996.

- America after Tocqueville, Democracy against Difference, Cambridge


Mitchell, Joshua: The Fragility of Freedom. Tocqueville on Religion,

Democracy, and the American Future, Chicago/London 1995.

Offe, Claus: Selbstbetrachtung aus der Ferne. Tocqueville, Weber und

Adorno in den Vereinigten Staaten, Frankfurt am Main 2004.

Ossewaarde, M. R. R.: Tocqueville’s Moral and Political Thought, New

Liberalism, New York 2004.

Rau, Hans Arnold: Demokratie und Republic, Tocquevilles Theorie des

politischen Handelns, Würzburg 1981.

Reinhardt, Mark: The Art of Being Free, Liberties with Tocqueville, Marx,

Arendt, Ithaka 1997.

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