NHẬT KÝ KẺ MỊ TÌNH - Trang 239

40. Nadav Morag, “Water, Geopolitics and State Building: The Case of
Israel,” Middle Eastern Studies 37, no. 3 (2001): 179–198.
41. Daniel Gordis, Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israel’s Soul (New
York: Schocken, 2014), 111.
42. Chris Sneddon and Coleen Fox, “The Cold War, the US Bureau of
Reclamation, and the Technopolitics of River Basin Development, 1950–
1970,” Political Geography 30 (2011): 457.
43. W. H. Lawrence, “Eisenhower Sends Johnston to Mid- East to Ease
Tension: Film Official Will Press for Israeli- Arab Accord and Economic
Development,” The New York Times, 16/10/1953.
44. Xem thông tin và phân tích về “The Johnston Mission,” xem: Jeffrey
Sosland, Cooperating Rivals: The Riparian Politics of the Jordan River
Basin (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2007), 37–61.
45. Blass, sđd., 203–204.
46. John S. Cotton, Plan for the Development of the Water Resources of the
Jordan and Litani River Basins (Jerusalem: Ministry of Agriculture, 1954),
47. Về bản phân tích những chỉnh sửa đối với Kế hoạch Johnston, tham
khảo: Samer Alatout, “Hydro-Imaginaries and the Construction of the
Political Geography of the Jordan River: The Johnston Mission, 1953–56,”
in Environmental Imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa, eds.
Diana K. Davis and Edmund Burke III (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press,
48. “Israel Inaugurates Yarkon-Negev Pipeline Amid Great Festivities,”
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 29/7/1955.
49. Seltzer, sđd., 128.
50. Bezalel Amikam, “Ish Ha-Mayim” [The Water Man], Al HaMishmar,
51. David Ben-Gurion, Thư gửi Simcha Blass, 3/3/1956.
52. Yael Shoham and Ofra Sarig, Ha-Movil Ha-Artzi: Min Ha- Kineret ve-
ad Pe-atei Negev [The National Water Carrier: From the Sea of Galilee to
the Negev] (Tel Aviv: Mekorot, 1995), back cover page.

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