Teachings From Ancient Vietnamese Zen Masters – 156
63 The Rise and Decline
Human body is like a lightning flash, appearing then disappearing.
All trees bloom in the spring, then decay in the autumn.
Live accordingly with the rise and decline, and have no fear.
The rise and decline – just like a drop of dew on a blade of grass.
VẠN HẠNH (? - 1018)
(COMMENT: See your body as a vehicle, and know that it will wear out
over time. Buddha says in The Dhammapada that the body grows old
and decays, but the Dhamma does not. You should believe in Buddha,
and live the undying Dhamma with your whole body and mind. Keep
trying this constantly: feel the Dhamma with your whole body, breathe
in and out with the Dhamma, shower your whole body and mind with
the Dhamma. Then you will have no fear. How can we feel the
Dhamma? Watch your mind constantly, and feel the whole life around.
See your mind just like an ox. Meditation is like taming an ox, but you
don’t need to tame anything; just watch the ox constantly. You know
you see the mind when a thought arises. Until you see the ox has no
head, no body, and no tail, then you know how to feel the Dhamma.
Try that.)