OSS VÀ HỒ CHÍ MINH - Trang 509

D fournaux, Ren J. "A Secret Encounter wwith Ho Chi Minh". Look,
August 9, 1996, 32 - 33.

The Winking Fox: Twenty two years in Military Intelligence. Indiana Polis:
Indiana Creative Arts, 1997.

Donovan, William J. "A Central Intelligence Agency". Vital Speeches of
the day 12, no.14 (May 1,1946): 446-448.

"Discarding Transient Emotionalism". Vital speeches of the Day 2, no. 13
(March 23, 1936): 397 - 398.

"Is America Prepared for War?". Vital Speeches of the Day 6, no.5
(December 15,1939): 155-157.

"Our Spiritual Defense". Vital Speeches of the Day 7, no. 19 (June 28.
1941): 589- 590.

"The Struggle in Asia". Vital Speeches of the Day 21, no.12 (April 1,
1955): 1135-1138.

"What are we up agaisnt?". Vital Speeches of the Day 7, no. 13 (April 15,
1941): 386-389.

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