OSS VÀ HỒ CHÍ MINH - Trang 510

Duffy, Francis Patrick. Father Duffy s Story: A Tale of Humor and
Heroism, of Life and Death with the Fighting Sixty-ninth. New York:
George H. Doran, 1919.

Elliot, David W.P. The Vietnamese War: Revolution and the Social Change
in the Mekong Delta. New York: East Gate Books, 2002.

Elliot, Duong Van Mai. The Sacred Willow: Four Generations in the Life of
a Vietnamese Family: Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 1999.

Fenn, Charles. Ho Chi Minh: A Biographical Introduction. New York:
Charles Scribner s Sons, 1973.

"Remebering Frank Tan". Interchange 12, no.2 (Summer 2002): 10 - 11.

Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh: Selected Articles and Speeches,1920 -1967.
Edited by Jack Woddis. New York: International Publishers, 1970.

The Prison Diary of Ho Chi Minh. Translated by Aileen Palmer. New York:
Bantam Books, 1976.

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