H Sinh D c
Respiratory system
Elevated diaphragm by 4 cm.
¯ Expiratory reserve volume.
- Tidal volume.
Cardiovascular system
¯ BP because progesterone decreases vascular resistance by increasing
spiral artery formation.
- Cardiac output.
- Blood volume since renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) is
stimulated by lowered BP.
Constriction of peripheral circulation (this is why some pregnant women
experience Raynaud’s phenomenon).
Renal system
- Kidney size.
- Frequency of urination.
- Glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
- Urinary tract infection risk due to dilated, elongated ureters.
Musculoskeletal system
Gait changes.
Lower back pain.
Ligaments soften.
Symphysis pubis dysfunction.
V ch s m màu trên b ng.
Ban đ lòng bàn tay.
Sao m ch.
H tiêu hóa
Táo bón.
Trào ngư c d dày-th c qu n.
Nguy cơ c a s i m t.
Đái tháo đư ng thai k .
H sinh s n
Tăng kích thư c t cung.
Dày dây ch ng t cung.
M m c t cung.
Tăng ti t d ch âm đ o.
H mi n d ch
Suy y u.
What is mastitis?
This is inflammation of the breast tissue.
Milk stasis or overproduction causes regional infection of the
breast parenchyma with Staphylococcus aureus, which enters the
breast via trauma to the nipple. This in turn causes mastitis.
Signs and symptoms
Calor, dolor, rubor and tumour (heat, pain, redness and swelling)
of the breast tissue.
Nipple discharge.
This is a clinical diagnosis.
Conservative: patient education. Encourage mother to continue
breastfeeding since this will help to overcome the obstruction.
Medical: flucloxacillin.
MAP 11.2 Thai k và s ti t s a
Map 11.2 Thai k và s ti t s a
Chapter_11.indd 179
08/12/14 3:17 PM