Hội thảo Khoa học Quốc tế




Raghvendra Kumar

(Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, LNCT Group of College,

Jabalpur, MP, India [email protected])


Data mining is method to extracting positive information from the huge quantity of database,

this contains dissimilar techniques to mine the database, mainly association rule mining, clustering,

classification etc. within this paper, tried with the concept of spatial negative association rule

mining (NARM), that extract the relationship among the different number of attributes in GIS

database to find the pattern between the attributes with high privacy and zero percentage of data

leakage. The most important purpose of this chapter is to extract the valuable pattern since the GIS

database; paper includes the following main steps

1. Consider the real geo-graphical database in distributed environments.

2. Perform the spatial negative-association rule mining (SNAR) in database.

3. Propose algorithm to find global relationship after SNAR mining.

4. Perform experiments with real geographic databases in order to validate the proposed


Keywords: Distributed Database, Privacy Preserving Technique (PPT), Negative Association

Rule Mining (NARM), Spatial Data Mining.


Today is the era of internet, where the entire user wants to store and retrieve their private and

public information in the online storage survey [1] [2] [3]. When the data is stored in the server,

the problem is comes when the we consider to access their information, there are different number

of techniques are available in the field of data mining, like association rule mining, classification,

clustering etc. and also two main techniques first one is prediction, where the database admin

predicts the relationship between the end users or different number of attributes. And second one is

descriptive, where the database admin descript their useful information. In data mining techniques

association rule mining techniques that are very useful to find the relationship between the different

numbers of database. And second one is the clustering, where eliminate or grouping the attributes

according to their values, and last one is classification, where classify the attributes according to

their certain criteria, it may be age, education, etc.

1.1. Database: A Database [4] [5] [6] is the collection of data, where data represent useful

information gathered from the real world object. The system which manages these collected data is

called data base management system. This system is the necessity of the organization, enterprise etc.

Consider the example of an university database which has the information about faculty member

,staff member ,student ,course ,department etc. which will be change very frequently .There are

different type of database environment present in the network such as centralized and distributed.

In dissimilarity to the centralized data base model, the distributed data base model is fast but it

needs some extra effort for the privacy.

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** Đây là liên kết chia sẻ bới cộng đồng người dùng, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm gì về nội dung của các thông tin này. Nếu có liên kết nào không phù hợp xin hãy báo cho admin.