“Have you heard the fresh news at the mill?” asked the parlor-cat of the

kitchen-cat. “Rudy has brought us the young eagle, and he is to take Babette
in exchange. They kissed each other in the presence of the old man, which
is as good as an engagement. He was quite civil about it; drew in his claws,
and took his afternoon nap, so that the two were left to sit and wag their
tails as much as they pleased. They have so much to talk about that it will
not be finished till Christmas.” Neither was it finished till Christmas.

The wind whirled the faded, fallen leaves; the snow drifted in the valleys,

as well as upon the mountains, and the Ice Maiden sat in the stately palace
which, in winter time, she generally occupied. The perpendicular rocks
were covered with slippery ice, and where in summer the stream from the
rocks had left a watery veil, icicles large and heavy hung from the trees,
while the snow-powdered fir-trees were decorated with fantastic garlands of
crystal. The Ice Maiden rode on the howling wind across the deep valleys,
the country, as far as Bex, was covered with a carpet of snow, so that the Ice
Maiden could follow Rudy, and see him, when he visited the mill; and
while in the room at the miller’s house, where he was accustomed to spend
so much of his time with Babette. The wedding was to take place in the
following summer, and they heard enough of it, for so many of their friends
spoke of the matter.

Then came sunshine to the mill. The beautiful Alpine roses bloomed, and

joyous, laughing Babette, was like the early spring, which makes all the
birds sing of summer time and bridal days.

“How those two do sit and chatter together,” said the parlor-cat; “I have

had enough of their mewing.”

IX. The Ice Maiden

The walnut and chestnut trees, which extend from the bridge of St.

Maurice, by the river Rhone, to the shores of the lake of Geneva, were
already covered with the delicate green garlands of early spring, just
bursting into bloom, while the Rhone rushed wildly from its source among
the green glaciers which form the ice palace of the Ice Maiden. She

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