exclaimed. “There they sit in their power over nature’s strength. I see them
all. One sits proudly apart, like a king; others sit together in a group;
yonder, half of them are asleep; and when the steam dragon stops, they will
get out and go their way. The thoughts go forth into the world,” and she

“There goes another avalanche,” said those in the valley beneath.

“It will not reach us,” said two who sat together behind the steam dragon.

“Two hearts and one beat,” as people say. They were Rudy and Babette, and
the miller was with them. “I am like the luggage,” said he; “I am here as a
necessary appendage.”

“There sit those two,” said the Ice Maiden. “Many a chamois have I

crushed. Millions of Alpine roses have I snapped and broken off; not a root
have I spared. I know them all, and their thoughts, those spirits of strength!”
and again she laughed.

“There rolls another avalanche,” said those in the valley.

X. The Godmother

At Montreux, one of the towns which encircle the northeast part of the

lake of Geneva, lived Babette’s godmother, the noble English lady, with her
daughters and a young relative. They had only lately arrived, yet the miller
had paid them a visit, and informed them of Babette’s engagement to Rudy.
The whole story of their meeting at Interlachen, and his brave adventure
with the eaglet, were related to them, and they were all very much
interested, and as pleased about Rudy and Babette as the miller himself. The
three were invited to come to Montreux; it was but right for Babette to
become acquainted with her godmother, who wished to see her very much.
A steam-boat started from the town of Villeneuve, at one end of the lake of
Geneva, and arrived at Bernex, a little town beyond Montreux, in about half
an hour. And in this boat, the miller, with his daughter and Rudy, set out to
visit her godmother. They passed the coast which has been so celebrated in
song. Here, under the walnut-trees, by the deep blue lake, sat Byron, and
wrote his melodious verses about the prisoner confined in the gloomy castle

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