1. The doctrine just requires single-minded practice. One does not seek
experiential proof, but experiential proof comes of itself.
2. On the whole, beginners suffer from two kinds of problems: oblivion and
distraction. There is a device to get rid of them, which is simply to rest the
mind on the breath.
3. The breath is one's own mind; one's own mind does the breathing. Once
mind stirs, then there is energy. Energy is basically an emanation of mind.
4. Our thoughts are very rapid; a single random thought takes place in a
moment, whereupon an exhalation and inhalation respond to it. Therefore
inward breathing and outward breathing accompany each other like sound
and echo. In a single day one breathes countless times, so has countless
random thoughts. When the luminosity of spirit has leaked out completely,
one is like a withered tree or dead ashes.