56. What is Dumping?

Vietnamese producers are currently involved in several trade disputes

concerning waterproof footwear in Canada, gas cigarette lighters in the EU,
and scaleless fish in the U.S. All of these cases center around the topic of
dumping. But what is dumping and why is it such an important issue in
today's movement towards free trade? This series of articles will briefly
discuss dumping and its implications.

Dumping is generally defined as the practice of a firm selling a good in a

foreign market below its fair value, which is based oh either the price at
which the good is sold in the home market or its cost of production. One
argument against dumping is that exporters of these goods enjoy protected
markets in their own countries and are using the profits they derive at home
to subsidize sales in the importing countries. Thus, competing firms in the
importing countries face unfair competition and may lose market share. I

When a complaint of dumping is filed the usual procedure is for the

importing country's trade regulatory agencies to launch an investigation to
answer two questions. First, is the importing good being sold at a price
below its fair value? Second, is there material injury to the competing
domestic industry as a direct consequence of the dumped imports? Positive
findings on both cases will trigger an anti-dumping duty imposed against
the subject good. The aim of this duty is to bring the price of the dumped
good closer to its fair value or to remove the injury to the competing
domestic industry.


Các nhà sản xuất Việt Nam đang gặp phải một số vụ tranh chấp thương

mại liên quan tới các mặt hàng như giầy không thấm ở Canada, bật lửa ga ở
EU và cá da trơn ở Mỹ. Cả ba trường hợp đều xoay quanh vấn đề bán phá

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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