của toàn cầu hóa thường bổ trợ cho thương mại là các dòng vốn và công
nghệ. Sự lưu chuyển lao động, sinh viên, hay khách du lịch cũng gia tăng
các mối liên kết, phổ biến những ý tưởng và thông tin khác nhau. Thương
mại, các dòng vốn, điện thoại quốc tế, sử dụng Internet và du lịch, tất cả
đều phát triển nhanh hơn sản lượng toàn cầu. Điều này mang lại nhiều hàm
ý cho bất kỳ nước nào muốn hưởng lợi từ việc hội nhập toàn cầu.

61. Globalization: Winners and Losers

The world economy is going through a period in which international

trade and capital flows are increasing faster than national output. These
changes, driven both by technology and policy, create new opportunities for
those firms and regions that are nimble and flexible, and are able to learn
quickly. Those who are less flexible do poorly. So, there are both winners
and losers.

One reaction is to wonder why it is necessary to play the game at all.

Aren't the rich or a few developing nations so much better at learning and
adjusting, that the whole thing is rigged? Why not just aim to produce for
the home market and ignore the rest of the world? There was a global
experiment after World War II. The nations that focused on manufactured
exports did well. The ones that looked inwards ultimately stagnated. The
nations that were really isolated by design are now among the poorest in
the world. Globalization is a tough game, but not playing it is worse.

So what does it take to win at globalization? Education that connects

people to world knowledge and markets is a good start. Creating legal
protections so that investors feel safe starting and expanding firms is
crucial. Creating competition, so that firms have good financial services,
reasonable transport and communications costs and service, and access to
cheap inputs is important. The rest of the list is not surprising - low
inflation, a stable currency, reasonable taxes and clear rules with minimal

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